Creative Challenge
RE-Posting this. Does anyone wanna play???

And a PRIZE to boot! Read on for instructions.
I challenge you to create something beautiful this coming week. Something different than your usual craft, or your known craft with a different twist.
For example: If you normally sew you can still sew, just not fabric. OR, use your fabric in creating something, not sewn.
If you scrap, you can use paper in your creation, but not a layout or a card, etc. If you crochet or knit use the yarn in a different way other than knitting or crocheting. Does that makes sense? It's really not that hard.
Some of you may ask what is beautiful and who is to judge? That's easy. It is what ever you, the creator think is beautiful. And I will get the tough job of judging. ;)
Maybe you have an awesome collection of gizmos and gadgets, buttons and ribbons, rusted doohickeys, old magazines, old lace, old...anything. Maybe you have brand spanking new do-dads that you could throw together and just see what happens. It's about having fun. Once you've made your new beauty I want to hear all the details. What is was like being creative outside of the box. What you think of the finished creation. Anything you want to tell me about it!
It doesn't matter what you make.
If you're taking my challenge post here to let me know. When you've finished your beautiful piece post back here with a link to a picture of it. I'll pick my favorite item and that person will get to pick something from my etsy shop valued up to $20.
You have until Sunday, March 8th to get your entry in. I will announce the winner on Monday, March 9th.
Obviously I can not enter my own challenge. But here is something to get your creative juices flowing...

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(¸.·´ (¸.·´★*¨¨*¨☆¨★*☆★*¨¨*☆Kristie★*¨☆¨★*☆★*¨¨*☆
I'm in, Kristie! Instead of making a handbag from plastic bags, which I still intend to do but for which I don't have all the supplies yet--there's a special ink required--I thought I'd try a handbag from upholstery fabric. I've made a couple of bags from felt so that's not new, but using chenille is.
Why don't you post your challenge on Etsy? It's a giveaway of sorts, innit? And there's a blog that list giveaways too. I'll find what that link is and get back to you. I'm on my way out now.
I will try too...I am not as ingenious as the rest of you talented gals, but I have been wanting to make a paper and fabric collage.
Good for you, Jean! I'd get my sister involved but she's feeling under the weather right now. And my week's gonna be crowded so I'm not even sure I can finish what I start, but I'll try. (You have Paper Scissors Fabric. Don't you love that purse made of grocery bags?)
I'm going to try and have mine done and posted by the 8th.
I have a give-a-way going on, at my blog right now. Stop y if you have a chance.
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