We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas...
and a Happy New Year.
I know it's a tad bit early to wish you all
Happy Holidays but things are just too busy for words at the insomniac theater these days. I don't know when I might have the chance again before the holidays.
The stockings are all hung and the tree is up and decorated. All the greenery is placed in baskets with candles, and I even sprinkled some baking soda around on the piano and window sills to look like we got a light dusting of snow, since we won't be getting any of the real stuff.
Since Chris is the "big boss man" over his team of 7 now, we are doing what any good boss does. We have booked a chalet and are having the guys and their families over for dinner.
We went to town and threw together some pretty nice goody baskets for each family to take home with them as well.
I wanted to show my appreciation to the wives of these guys as well. Us wives don't get the recognition that we deserve. Our husbands, our children's fathers, are gone for weeks at a time. We are left here to hold down the fort, pay the bills and keep things running smoothly.
Keeping the kids in school, fed, bathed. We are left here with ALL of the household chores, vehicle maintenance, Drs. appointments, among other extra curricular activities.
The hardest part of being married to a man that is never home is probably playing the roles of both mother and father.
So, I wanted to let them know that they are appreciated. I put together some leather gift totes just for them filled with all the things a girl loves. There are candles, chocolates, something to make their home smell good, jewelry (that I made), and I forget what else! Hopefully they are well received.
Caleb, our youngest son, just turned 14 yesterday. He didn't want a party. He didn't even want a cake but we got him one anyway. Love you Caleb! Happy Birthday!! :)
We will be out of town a couple of nights during the party for the workers and then back home to do the Christmas thing here at home. I am going to try my best to leave it at the as far as Christmas is concerned. I just am not up to traveling out to the inlaws this year, but that's a whole other story.
After that I just have to get over the hump of New Years. I don't like new years because, to me, it just reminds me that I am getting older and older. I am not kidding you in the least when I say that I do NOT want to turn 35. I know it's not OLD, BUT it is older. I wish I could just stop right here at 34. LOL
And lastly...
How ever you celebrate. Where ever you celebrate. Make memories and hug the ones you love. Take time to reflect on what Christmas means to
For me it's is a time to remember Christ was born into this world to pay for my sins. He came knowing that he would be put to death, and he came willingly and prepared for it because he loved me. He paid the ultimate price so that I don't have to. If it weren't for that day, Christmas Day, the birth of The Savior, life for me would be hopeless. When I put it in the proper perspective I am able to also remember that all the gifts, be them good or (what were they thinking?), were given out of love and I was thought of. It's not about the latest gadget. It's not about the shiniest bow or the biggest box. Material things pale in comparison to the gift of forgiveness.
With that I bid you all good night. :o)