I'm being wife napped for the night.
Hubby is finally getting to come home. He will be coming right by the house via Virginia on his way to the office in Knoxville. He has to stop in at the office before he can officially come home, (as always.)
So, He is going to pop in, grab me and I'm going to the office with him and we'll grab a room for the night down there.
We haven't seen each other in a month and a half. I think we deserve one night really alone with no kids around. Sounds like a plan to me!
Going to pack a little overnight bag and wait for my wife-napper to arrive. LOL
3 days ago
William has been gone almost 2 months. Wish he was coming home to wifenap me. Have a awesome time!!!
Hope the wife napping was fun!
Hope you had a great time!
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